Anyone who’s a parent will know how a good chunk of the early years of parenthood are spent making very unappetising looking (and smelling) creations for babies to make the transition to solid foods. We’ve noticed a trend in people making the food at home rather than buying the pre-made yoghurt pot variety, and decided to investigate a little further.
Before we start, it’s only responsible to remind you that babies need you to be careful about lumps and temperature of their food, so whether you’re using a soup maker or a blender and heating on the hob (or using any other method), you should always examine the food carefully before feeding it to your child to ensure the consistency is as you expect, and there aren’t any lumps that could be a choking hazard. Similarly, if they’re not eating their food cold, be sure that it’s not too hot – adults can enjoy much hotter food than babies, especially when they’re just starting to wean.
So, with that out of the way, we found lots of recipes for baby food on the web that would be perfect for cooking in a soup maker. You’ll need to use one that creates very smooth results, like this Morphy Richards soup maker. Just remember to blend for longer to get the desired smooth consistency.
If you’re working with ingredients that need to be cooked well to be safe, such as anything involving meat, then please don’t rely on a soup maker to cook them thoroughly – follow the instructions given in the recipe.

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